Summer Lessons

Wahoooo...Summer!  Lather up with SPF50 - Just like the sun block helps keep your kids from getting burnt, so do our summer lessons keep them from getting "rusty"!


Easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Break out the calendar and discuss your summer plans with your teacher

  2. Remove TV remote/game controller from child's hand

  3. Insert musical instrument and let the fingers fly!


Between all the camps, vacations, and trips to the neighborhood pool, we encourage you to arrange some time with your instructors to prevent all those hard-earned skills from evaporating in the hot Georgia sun.  Our teachers' availabilities are much more flexible for scheduling over the summer.  Best of all, students are only charged for the lessons they take, freeing us all to swat away at those pesky mosquitoes instead of pesky makeup lessons.

To Double or to Dabble...what?  Naturally, your teachers are quite happy to continue with a normal, weekly routine through the summer if your schedule permits.  But it is worth mentioning that these months also provide an excellent opportunity to expel any feelings of childhood boredom by arranging for your child to meet with his or her teacher twice each week whenever it is suitable.  Summer also makes a great opportunity to experiment with other musical instruments.   The flexibility of the season even makes it convenient for siblings and yes, even you parents, to explore their own potential with music lessons.

Like the Beach Boys say - "Wouldn't it be Nice?"